Microdose FAQ

Is Microdose Coaching eligible for insurance?

Coaching services are not eligible for insurance reimbursement.

What is the cost of Microdose Coaching?

Our individual program is $2,200 or $185 per session. To make individual coaching more accessible, Karissa offers sliding scale sessions with a $60 or more savings per session.

Our group program, beginning 2/13, has three payment options:

  • Package Pricing: The package price TOTAL is $1,110. Sessions are normally $185 per session. If you purchase the package up front, you will save $740. USE CODE ‘250OFF’ to save an additional $250 ($860 total)

  • Save a spot and pay later: You may save your spot with an initial payment of $125. We will automatically charge your card for the remainder of package price ($985) on 2/6. The TOTAL price is $1,110. If you decide to not participate in the program, please let us know before February 6th. You will not receive a refund for the $125 deposit.

  • Payment Plan: The payment plan TOTAL is $1,375. Clients will be charged $375.00 upfront, then $125.00 every 2 weeks for a total of 9 payments. USE CODE ‘250OFF’ to save $250 off initial payment ($1,125 total

Does Inner Path Provide the medicine?

Inner Path does not provide microdose supplements for your journey. We recommend using Mycology Psychology.

How do I get matched with my coach?

For individual coaching:

  • To get matched with a coach, please email info@innerpathbaltimore.com

  • Based on your background/journey intentions, we will match you with a coach that fits your needs.

  • You can also book a discovery call with any of our coaches on the Book Now page to see if they are a good fit. You can read the bio of each practitioner by clicking their picture on the About page.

For group coaching:

  • Based on your unique needs intentions with this program, Lauren and Eleanor will match you with a coach they feel is best fit for your 1:1 sessions. Lauren and Eleanor will be leading the 7 group education sessions.

What is microdosing? What are the benefits?

Microdosing involves small, sub-hallucinogenic doses of psychedelics, offering a potential pathway to mental and emotional growth. This innovative approach is being explored for conditions like depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, eating disorders, and more