General FAQ

If you don’t see your question answered here, email and we will be happy to chat with you!

  • We do not accept any insurance at this time. If you have Out-of-Network (OON) benefits, some of our services may be eligible for reimbursement. Such services include ketamine assisted therapy (KAP) and holistic psychotherapy through our licensed practitioners. None of our coaching services are eligible for insurance at this time.

  • Location of services vary depending on the service and practitioner. Our KAP services (individual, group, practitioner experiential) are ALWAYS in person.

  • We are located in Mount Washington, directly to the left of Abbey Burger. Our address is 1600 Kelly Ave, Baltimore, MD 21209.

  • There is metered parking throughout the area surrounding Inner Path.

  • If we have an open position, we post announcements to our instagram and via our newsletter! If we are not hiring and you would like to be considered for a future therapist position, feel free to send over your resume so that we can reach out in the future!