
Daniel Rosenberg

Soul Guide, Trauma Recovery Specialist

Specialties: Somatic Experiencing®, Trauma Healing, Personal Transformation

Daniel Rosenberg is a trauma recovery specialist and a guide to soul. He has been trained by Somatic Experiencing® International as well as the Animas Valley Institute. He blends the tools of Somatic Experiencing® with dreamwork and other soul centric tools to help folks connect with their most free and authentic self. He believes that deep within each one of us is a vast, wild, and spontaneous intelligence that is inseparable from the wisdom of Nature. He is passionate about supporting folks to access this wisdom for both personal and planetary transformation.

Daniel has spent thousands of hours in the deep wilderness guiding folks on their own personal healing journeys. Here he has learned that even trauma can be a window to the soul's life—that place of vibrant aliveness and fulfilling purpose. He helps people suffering with the negative symptoms of trauma transform these wounds into sacred doorways to Soul. Through the right application of presence, attention, and surrender—he helps folks move from an experience of stuckness to freedom.

When he's not working to heal and better the world, you may find Daniel foraging for mushrooms, dancing with others, or wandering the wild landscapes of the pacific northwest where he lives.